Social Media & P.R.

Social media is important for public relations in many ways. One was is that you can use social media to reach a large number of people in a very short amount of time. I’m sure many of us have heard the saying, “You pay for advertising and you pray for P.R.” This is where social media helps public relations tremendously. Social media for the most part is free and this helps business reach a large audience without paying a lot of money for advertising.  Social media lets you promote, and grow brand awareness, but you also can learn a lot from it too. You can learn what types of consumers are interested in your company and the consumers that are not. This is really important, because you can learn how to reach several different types of audiences. Another thing you can learn is how people feel about you, your brand/company, and your product. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. People’s opinions on social media can damage a reputation or help one. However, as a P.R. person you can take negative comments and learn from them to improve whatever it is.  

Social media can be used effectively in public relations campaign in many ways. It can create free brand awareness for a company and also help promote sales and advertising for free. Social media can also with event planning, because you can invite a large number of people to an event that help raise attendance rate. Social media can be used also for helping nonprofits and supporting a cause. If a person is very passionate about something they will promote and it will get other people involves and could start a social media movement.

I definitely plan on keeping my twitter account after this class. One reason is because; I had it before I took this course. Another reason is because, is because I follow several companies I am interested in and I like to see what that company is involved in. Twitter also helps me stay connected with classmates and friends that I can share things with.

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