Comments on My Fellow Student’s Blog

Current Campaign Blog

This is truly inspiring to me. I recently have been asked by my best friend to advertise for her new cheerleading and gymnastics gym. I have been battling with myself whether or not I should help her because of school and work. With the experience you have provided, it has encouraged me to help her. I really enjoy that you liked your experience working with P.R. and I hope I have the same positive outcome.

We All Just Need to be Popular

I completely agree with your feelings towards the guest speakers. The two guest speakers about crisis management made me want to reconsider going to school for P.R. They were very negative about their and only informed us about the task they did not like doing. If they were the first people I talked to about taking a career in P.R. I would probably run. I am also glad we had the other guest speaker to bring a more positive light to the P.R. field. She also inspired me as well when she said that her job always changes. I too do not like doing the same things day in and day out. I could not agree more with your post.

Topic of Week 4

I am really jealous of that you got the opportunity to work in a business doing P.R. work. I have been looking for several jobs like to work while going to school but they just do not exist in the little town of Statesboro. It was also very smart of you to take public speaking twice. I feel like all P.R. majors should have to take public speaking more than once because many of us took it our freshmen year which was long ago. Choosing marketing as your minor will better prepare you for your jobs in the future. I am currently working on business cards for companies and web pages to build my portfolio. You should also start working on a portfolio for when you apply for job so you can show them what you are capable of doing.

Benefits of P.R.

I completely agree that other majors should take a P.R. course. The course would benefit them by learning how to communicate with different types of people which will be handy to use in the work place. I also agree with you on the organizational skills, because that will help at work and home. I know I feel more prepared and confident to apply for jobs since taking the Introduction to human communications and P.R. I really liked how you explained the importance of the class and how it can be used to benefit in many categories.

Promoting Diversity

I think it is so great that your apartment complex wants its residents to interact with each other. I wish the neighborhood that I live in did the same thing.  I like the P.R. methods that the University Village office employees used to reach their residents. Even though I am a girl, I will agree that I probably wouldn’t have attended if I knew “The Notebook” was the movie of choice. I think it is also very neat that you met a diverse group of people and a girl. This inspired me to create an event for my neighborhood so I also can meet and learn about the people I see on a regular basis.

P.R. in Mass Media

I really liked the argument you created between P.R. and publicity.  I agree that people need to educate themselves on the difference. Several people have negatively responded to me when I tell them I am a P.R. major because they assume it is publicity and relate it to the paparazzi and tabloids. I am so glad that you explained the differences because now I can use this information to better explain to people, when they give me dirty looks about my major. I also like that you included the work load of a P.R. verses the work load for publicity because it clearly shows how much harder we work.

Things to Secure a Job in Public Relations

Discuss three (or more) things you have done to secure a job in public relations and three (or more) things you must do.


There are several things one can do when securing a job in the public relations field. The first thing is having experience. Experience is so important in the field of public relations because the job is so broad that there are many different skills you learn through experience from the job. Having experience also provides less training when hired for a job which will save money and time for an employer. With public relations being so broad, a variety of skills is necessary to have for job security.  The second thing is a public relations person should be a little knowledgable about many different things instead of having a lot of knowledge for a few things. This also is falls in the category with experience as well. An employer wants someone that has diverse skills and can be used for many different jobs. The third thing is improve writing skills. Writing is very important in the public relations field. When writing for Public relations their are many different styles in writing and one needs to know a variety. Improving writing skills with defiantly keep a job secure because it is such an important part of a public relations job.

P.R. Guest Speakers

Write a blog post reaction to the panel of guest speakers that joined us in class last Friday. Some things to get you started: similarities and differences among jobs; daily duties; takeaways; lessons learned to prepare you for a career in public relations; etc.

The speaker that I thought was most helpful was Lindsey with the hotel management job. She was very exciting and really loved her job. She talked about several things that I wanted to know about such as, what her day was consisted of, how to stand out from others when applying for a P.R. job, and  what skills we need to learn most. Her interview made me excited about what kind of places I could work for and what kind of responsibilities I would have.  The other speakers from Georgia Pacific was not as exciting. Their jobs consist of mostly writing and dealing with crisis. The interview made me rethink why I wanted to do P.R. They only explained the boring and negative parts of their job and not how it can be fun and why they actually liked their jobs. The information I learned from them was to work on my resume as much as a good and to become a very good writer. I am glad we got the opportunity to talk to professions in the field of P.R. because I learned a lot and it influenced me to research jobs, internships, and things I can work on to prepare for the work field. 

Images are hurtful

Discuss the portrayal of public relations in mass media. Are the images helpful or hurtful to the field? Can/should these images be changed?


            The images that are portrayed  of public relations in mass media can be hurtful. The main reason that comes to mind with the images being hurtful is self image. With every commercial, magazine, or movie, society is constantly viewing attractive people that give the perception of being perfect. In reality we know that every body has flaws, but when constantly reminded, we still want to change our image to become like the celebrities we constantly see in mass media. The constant reminders of being perfect can really effect people in a negative way, with eating disorders, shopping problems, and getting plastic surgery to become perfect. Even though society sees perfect, flawless people in advertising, and mass media the truth is no person in this world is that perfect. The images we are constantly surrounded by are mainly fake images. The images are photoshopped to make the viewers think this is how people really look and that we should strive to look like them. The company Dove did a campaign on using real women in there commercials to promote there products vs. digitally enhance women who really don’t exist. The Dove commercial showed how an image on bill board started out as picture of a women and was digitally enhanced so much that the end result was nothing like the original photo. The women’s face was  digitally enhanced with features from 8 other women’s faces. The end result of the commercial in billboard was that the person on the billboard didn’t even really exist. The way we use public relation with the perfect images to promote products can be very hurtful to the audience. With the constant reminder of being perfect in mass media it has a negative impact on society.

Public Relations Surrounds Me

Public relations is tied into many things that interest me. This week my boss asked me to create a Facebook page for our restaurant to get more college students to come. I like Facebook and I like my job so adding the public relations part was really exciting for me. With the Facebook page I am constantly updating and offering deals to get more people to like the page and to persuade them into eating at our restaurant. Since I took over the Facebook page and am now constantly advertising we have received over 80 likes in one day and business has gotten better. I have also taken on other roles with my job and I am constantly doing things to promote the business and to get new customers. We are also going to do door hangers with coupons for college students to hang on apartment doors. Another advertisement we do is provide wrist bands to the local bars with our logo on it. I have really enjoyed the role of a public relations person for my job because it helps the business but it also has given me very valuable experiences for when I graduate and look for a job. I’m glad that I enjoy my job and I can also be able to work with my future profession every day.