Public Relations Surrounds Me

Public relations is tied into many things that interest me. This week my boss asked me to create a Facebook page for our restaurant to get more college students to come. I like Facebook and I like my job so adding the public relations part was really exciting for me. With the Facebook page I am constantly updating and offering deals to get more people to like the page and to persuade them into eating at our restaurant. Since I took over the Facebook page and am now constantly advertising we have received over 80 likes in one day and business has gotten better. I have also taken on other roles with my job and I am constantly doing things to promote the business and to get new customers. We are also going to do door hangers with coupons for college students to hang on apartment doors. Another advertisement we do is provide wrist bands to the local bars with our logo on it. I have really enjoyed the role of a public relations person for my job because it helps the business but it also has given me very valuable experiences for when I graduate and look for a job. I’m glad that I enjoy my job and I can also be able to work with my future profession every day.

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